Wednesday, January 7, 2009


As citizens of our individual countries, we at times become extremely frustrated by the policies of our governments that we deem unjust. We oftentimes feel powerless to change them as more and more of the governments and the politicians who run them become increasingly subservient to global corporate and banking interests. There is, however, one powerful weapon that if utilized collectively can accomplish far greater positive change than marches, protests and demonstrations. The weapon is the boycott of well targeted products. Mexican-American labor leader Cesar Chavez utilized this weapon with great success against the greedy grape growers of Alta California and managed to win many concessions for the exploited farmworkers. The boycott of grapes would not have been successful, however, if the world community did not support it.

Today, as the world community begins to see evidence of the barbaric massacre of Palestinians that took place in Jenin by the Butcher Ariel Sharon and his murderous Zionist Army, one is compelled to just and moral action. Here in Aztlan, we have become extremely frustrated at President George Bush and his inability or unwillingness to stop the horrible slaughter that is occurring in the Holy Land and that may culminate in the genocide of the Palestinian people. We individually have the power of choice to buy one product over another or to simply forgo a purchase entirely. If more and more people around the world do the same, the pressure will become powerful enough to force a positive change. We each can also help by asking our family members and friends to do the same.

Below are products and brands of corporations and businesses that are helping Ariel Sharon and Zionist Israel to continue their racist apartheid policies and illegal occupation of Palestinian lands. We are asking you to boycott these products. The products and brands have been well researched. Each of the companies have ties to Israel and support their policies against the Palestinian people. As an example, Estée Lauder's chairman, Ronald Lauder, served as the Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and is the current President of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) - a quasi-governmental agency whose main function is to legitimize Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. Ronald Lauder is a hardcore Zionist and his views are often more extreme then those of the Israeli government.

Link : List Of Product

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